Best Seo Tips

Google Is The Best Company Of The World

Friday, February 11, 2011

Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips

                                                      Best Top Ten Seo Tips

Please enjoy these award-winning Top 10 SEO Tips for webmasters and website owners. Too many people make the mistake of spending thousands of dollars on just Pay-Per-Click (Sponsored Ads) campaigns before they realize that most people click on the non-sponsored listings more than "Sponsored Ads". There are several hundred techniques to achieve higher ranking in the search results, but these Top 10 SEO Tips are in my opinion the most valuable and timeless. They are also current, as I'm making a point to update this list respective to changes in search engine algorthims.

The Top 10 SEO Tips contained in this tutorial were created after years of experimentation and practical application with hundreds of client websites, mostly with final results of achieving higher ranking within the first page of search engine results. We hope you find these SEO tips valuable. For an in-depth study of everything we know about search engine optimization, please visit our new Blog Marketing Toolkit website, download our free eBook, or give us a call.

SEO Tip #1: Find the Best Keywords

It would be a waste of your time to optimize your website for keywords that are not even being searched for. Even if you do get top placement for a broad keyword that isn't what most users are looking for, Google will calculate the number of times users did not select your listing, and the number of times they returned to the search results to choose a different website. Trying to beat this calculation is futile and more often then not, just a huge waste of time and energy.
Therefore you should invest some resources into finding the best keywords; those that turn searches into purchases or leads. Buying Sponsored Ads and paying for high end design and usuability is best place to start. However, there are several SEO tools and SEO software available on the Internet to help you find the best keywords; most of which are offered by the search engines themselves and are completely free.
Here is a core principle of the Top 10 SEO Tips: When using any SEO tool for doing keyword research, start by keeping your searches ambiguous, creating categories, and drilling down to create small clusters (or silos) of keywords. The results will always return new suggestions and ideas, sometimes surprising ones that you may not have thought of. In the Sponsored Ads, these clusters become your ad groups. With your SEO, they become the directories (or taxonomy) of the content you'll want to have on your website.
Behavioral-targeting and using Long Tail Keywords are an excellent way to get higher ranking quickly for keywords that generate sales, and will have longevity to them in the search results. Poor keyword examples would be: kindle, nike shoes, roommate new york. Here are some examples of keywords that are ideal for SEO:
  • Buy Used Amazon Kindle Online
  • Nike Shoes Kobe Mens Size 10
  • Find a Roommate in NYC
    • SEO Tip #2: Discover What Your Competitors are Doing

      It's a fact and one of my Top 10 SEO Tips, that search engines analyze incoming links to your website as part of their ranking criteria. Knowing how many incoming links your competitors have, will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors before you can analyze them. Your analysis of competitors should include these extremely important linking criteria (super SEO tips), such as:
      • Competitor rank in the search engines
      • Quantity AND quality of incoming links (prioritized)
      • What keywords are in the title of linking page?
      • % of links containing specific keywords in the link text
      • The Google PageRank or MozRank of linking pages
      • The popularity of the linking domain and the linking page (measured by links & mentions)
      Aside from using some of the awesome SEO software mentioned on this website, here are some things I personally do when researching a competitor:
      • Click the link to their Site Map page and see what keyword you find in the links
      • Get a savvy web person to find and parse their XML Site Map to find keywords in page names
      • View the HTML title and meta tags of your top competitors to compile a list of needed content

      SEO Tip #3: Write Very Linkable & Sharable Content

      An article is not a sexy thing to look at here in today's online marketing world. Generic content can't be slapped together and thrown online with the hope that it will get high ranking for the life of that page of content. Think about the book the Long Tail that I linked to above. I do because the content was meanful and useful to me in my career as an SEO Expert. The content could have these attributes if it has any hope of earning and sustaining higher ranking in the search engine results (many of these came directly from Google):
      • The content is useful
      • The content is original
      • You can't help but link to it
      • There are supportive facts and references
      • There's enough detail that nobody can memorize it
      • Something fun or interesting is included (like video)
      • It's not just blah, blah, blah, content
      • There's enough call to action to invoke engagement
      • There are visual examples, charts, and references
      • You had multiple contributors who all link to the content
      • You thank or compliment someone who shares it with others
      • You have an offer, discount, or promotion included
      • How To's and tutorials are a great way to get people to link
      • Create a controversy
      • Answer questions
      • Conduct research & discuss the results
      • Get involved with social media
      • Create lists (Top 50 Link Building Techniques, etc)
      • Get a blog and establish yourself as an authority
      • Run a service or create a product (ie: Firefox extension)

      SEO Tip #4: Optimize Your Title and Meta Tags

      HTML titles and meta tags should be different on every page of your website if you wish for most search engines to store and list them in the search results. Us SEO Expert's have experimented with these two pieces of code to help us reach an accepted conclusion about how best to use them and what happens when you optimize them. The meta "keywords" tag won't be discussed in to much detail here, since Google has announced that they do not use the meta keywords tag in their ranking criteria. Because Google has 64 percent market share in search, that should be enough to convince you to not spend a lot of time on this attribute.

      Optimizing Your Homepage Title

      There are different theories about how long your homepage title should be. Since Google only displays the first 66 or so characters (with spaces), my Top 10 SEO tips for the title on anything other than the homepage would be to keep the title under 66 characters and relevant to the content on the page. However, some (including myself) argue that the value of the homepage title may warrant additional search term inclusion. Let's take a look at Amazon and Ebay homepage titles:
      • eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
      • Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more
      • Local SEO Services, Local Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Search, Online Advertising for Local Businesses |
      • - Computers, Electronics, Digital Cameras, Books, DVDs, Music, Games, Software, Toys, Sports

      Optimizing Your Homepage Meta Description

      Same best practice applies here. Get those top terms into a description that isn't spamy and is a clear indicator of what your website is about. Below are the meta descriptions from eBay and Amazon.
      • Buy and sell electronics, cars, clothing, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Sign up and begin to buy and sell - auction or buy it now - almost anything on
      • Online shopping from the earth's biggest selection of books, magazines, music, DVDs, videos, electronics, computers, software, apparel & accessories, shoes, jewelry, tools & hardware, housewares, furniture, sporting goods, beauty & personal care, broadband & dsl, gourmet food & just about anything else.
      The rule of thumb here is to get your most important keywords into your homepage title and meta description.

      Optimizing Subpage Titles and Meta Tags

      Let's take a break for a moment and discuss Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Bounce Rate. When you perform a search in a search engine, what shows up in your web browser is called an impression. When you make a selection, that selection is called a click. Google and other search engines record each impression and each click to help them understand which listings are being clicked on the most. They also record patterns (so stop thinking about getting all your friends to search for and click your listing). If the majority of normal search volume selects your listing, you'll have a higher CTR and higher ranking; same applies for Sponsored Ads by the way. That being said, if a healthy percentage of searchers return to Google's search results (called a Bounce) and select a different listing, your CTR value will be reduced and ultimately so will your ranking.
      To get and stay at the top of the search results, you need to be the most attractive listing in the search result, and you need to provide enough content to prevent the searcher from leaving your website to find a different listing.
      This one SEO tip could make or break your SEO campaign. Click-Through Rate (CTR) plays an instrumental role in how relevant Google thinks your website is. By compelling users to click with clear call-to-actions (buy, order, download, beat, fix, etc) and by using value propositions (guaranteed, on sale now, etc), one can improve their CTR and search engine ranking. Oh, don't forget to squeeze your keywords in there as well. If you ever forget this SEO tip, just perform a search in Google for "title tag principles", where you'll find my listing invoking these principles. Told ya I was good at this stuff, didn't I? Here's some sample syntax: <title>Call to Action, Keywords, & Value Proposition (under 66 characters)</title> <meta name="description" content="Differently worded call to action, keywords, & value proposition (under 160 characters)" /> <meta name="keywords" content="one to five keywords separated by commas" />

      SEO Tip #5: Optimizing Your Headings and Subheadings

      In college and some high schools, essays are written using a standard guideline created by the Modern Language Association (MLA). These guidelines included how to write you cover page, title, paragraphs, how to cite references, etc. On the Web, we follow the W3C's guidelines as well as commonly accepted "best practices" for organizing a web page (page structure). Headings play an important role in organizing information, so be sure to include ONLY ONE H1 tag when assembling your page, and optionally using one or more subheading (H2-H6). Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), I was able to make my h1 at the top of this page more appealing. Here's a piece of code you can pop into your heading:
      <style type="text/css">       h1 font-size: 18px;       h2 font-size: 16px;       h3 font-size: 14px; </style>
      Since a page full of headings would look just plain silly, my SEO tip would be to fill in the blank space with paragraphs, ordered and unordered lists, images, and other content. Try to get at least 400+ words on each page.

      SEO Tip #6: Use Title and ALT Attributes

      Using the title attribute is a direct method of telling the search engines and the user more information about where a link will take them if they click through it. It's also a W3C standard for making your page accessible to those who are visually impared. In other words, blind folks can navigate through your website using a special browser that reads title and ALT attributes. Sample syntax might be: <a href="" title="SEO Software to Help You Get Higher Search Engine Ranking">SEO Software</a> The ALT Attribute is used for the same reasons as the title attribute, but is specifically for describing an image to the search engine and to the visually impared. Here's how you might use ALT attribute in an image tag: <img src="" alt="Top 10 SEO Tips - Search Engine Marketing Tips and SEO Software Featured by SEO Expert Steve Wiideman">

      SEO Tip #7: Optimizing File Nomenclatures

      Whenever possible, you should save your images, media, and web pages with the keywords in the file names. For example, if your keyword phrase is "golf putters" you'll want to save the images used on that page as golf-putters-01.jpg or golf_putters_01.jpg (either will work). It's not confirmed, but many SEO's have experienced improvement in ranking by renaming images and media. You also may receive visits from Google Images and other media search queries. More important is your web page's filename, since many search engines now allow users to query using "inurl:" searches. For fun, try this query in Google (copy/paste): "ebook filetype:pdf". You'll find all you can eat eBooks (you're welcome). Your filename for the golf putters page could be golf-putters.html or golf_putters.html. Anytime there is an opportunity to display or present content, do your best to insure the content has the keywords in the filename (as well as a Title or ALT attribute). You may need to contact your IT department or webmaster to rewrite your page URLs if your website platform is non-accommodating to custom URL nomenclature.

      SEO Tip #8: Tell the Search Engines What to Index

      I may take a lot of heat from the other SEO's out there for this one, especially because Google and other search engines have already helped reduce the amount of duplicate content indexed. However, I do enough search queries that begin with "site:" to know that duplicate content is still a major issue. Worse, I see a lot of files showing up in the indexes that should be hidden from the world (case in study: all the free PDF's you're probably still downloading from SEO Tip #7).

      Optimizing Your robots.txt File

      By far the easiest top 10 SEO tips you will ever do as it relates to search engine optimization is include a robots.txt file at the root of your website. Open up a text editor, such as Notepad and type "User-agent: *". Then save the file as robots.txt and upload it to your root directory on your domain. This one command will tell any spider that hits your website to "please feel free to crawl every page of my website". Hopefully, you've already moved all the excessive JavaScripts and CSS styles into their own folders on your website to reduce the filesize and load time of the pages on your website. If you have, adding a simple "Disallow: /js/" to a file called the robots.txt will tell the crawlers not to bother with files in the JS folder and to only focus on your content, as opposed to non-important source code. Here's an example of the robots.txt file from this website:
      Example of an Optimized robots.txt File

      Redirecting Duplicate Content

      For consistency, it's better to have one version of each page to get all the inbound links and earn all of the points with the search engines. This means telling Google and Bing (in their respective Webmaster Tools) to only index the www.-version of your website (or the non-www version if you're "one of those types of people"). You can also use your Windows Server or a file called the .htaccess file on your Apache server to permanently redirect one version to the other. Next, add a new tag to every page of your website to prevent other versions of the page from appearing in the search results. Just think about all the different ways we display content. There are often "Print View", "Flash Version", and pages with reviews, ratings and comments that append page URLs with strings such as &rating=5, &view=print, etc. To correct this issue, we add a Canonical Tag to every page of the website. Here's the syntax: <link rel="canonical" href="" /> Finally, you should round up all those domains you bought and make sure they are pointing to your one main website with a 301 Permanent Redirect. Bruce Clay created a way to this efficiently which he called an IP Funnel. I've been the victim of this so many times being an SEO Expert. More than once, I've found myself scratching my head trying to figure out why a website would not get Google PageRank, only to find out later than an older domain held by the client had been displaying the same content and had been the one Google gave the credit to.

      SEO Tip #9: Feed Search Engines Static and XML Site Maps

      Optimizing Your Static Site Map

      PageRank is relative and shared throughout a website by a unique voting system created by Google. I could spend two days trying to explain how PageRank works, but what it comes down to is having efficient navigation throughout your site. That where a site map page comes in. Since every page on the website will be linked to the site map, it allows webcrawlers (and users) to quickly and easily find content. This SEO tip is one of my favorite of top 10 SEO tips. It used to take 4 clicks to get to a product page at By creating a site map, users and search engines can now access any page on the site with only two clicks. The PageRank from these deep pages went from 0 to 2 in about 3 months and the ranking went from virtually not existent to #1 almost across the board for nearly 2,000 pages on their site.
      SEO Tip 8 - Create a Site Map - Example
      Feel free to search Google for any of the terms on this catalog page, such as MITSUBISHI Monitor Repair. See how powerful a static site map can truly be.

      Using XML Site Maps

      Though you may feel like it is impossible to get listed high in Google's search engine result page, believe it or not that isn't Google's intention. They simply want to insure that their viewers get the most relevant results possible. In fact, they've even created a program just for webmasters to help insure that your pages get cached in their index as quickly as possible. They call the program Google Sitemaps. In this tool, you'll also find a great new linking tool to help discover who is linking to your website. For Google, these two pieces in the top 10 SEO tips would be to read the tutorial entitled How Do I Create a Sitemap File and to create your own. To view the one on this page, website simply right-click this SEO Tips Sitemap.xml file and save it to your desktop. Open the file with a text editor such as Notepad. Effective 11/06, Google, Yahoo!, and Bing will be using one standard for site maps. Below is a snippet of the standard code as listed at Optional fields are lastmod, changefreq, and priority.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <urlset xmlns="">

      SEO Tip #10: Use Checklists and Validators

      There are several ways to validate the accuracy of your website's source code. The four most important, in my opinion, are validating your search engine optimization, HTML, CSS and insuring that you have no broken links or images. Start by analyzing broken links. One of the W3C's Top 10 SEO Tips would be for you to use their tool to validate links. If you have a lot of links on your website, this could take awhile, so I recommend trying Xenu's Link Sleuth, which you can find on our SEO Software page. Next, revisit the W3C to analyze HTML and CSS. Here is a link to the W3C's HTML Validation Tool and to their CSS Validation Tool. A new, unbelievable tool just came out that does much better than some of these older ones, and that is the Qualidator Site Analyzer tool, which you can also find listed in our SEO Software page. The final step in the last of my Top 10 SEO Tips is to validate your search engine optimization. Without having to purchase software, the best online tool I know of for this (now) is my own SEO Audit List, which contains website-level SEO validation, webpage-level SEO structure and keyword optimization, and off-page SEO strategies you should have in your arsenal. You can also use and other online tools. However, they aren't as inclusive (yet) as my Audit Checklist.

      Other SEO Tips

      If you liked the SEO tips above, you're going to love my newest Free SEO eBook, entitled: SEO in a Day. It's packed full of more tips and tutorials, was well as some great ideas for developing incoming links. You may also enjoy our blog at Thanks for stopping by!

      About the Author of These SEO Tips

      Steve Wiideman, is the author of many popular online publications, including his Free SEO eBook, SEO in a Day. His prior work included The Four Layers of the SEO Model: How to Rank Higher in the Search Engines. Wiideman holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in E-Business Management and was one of five students to win the Career College Association's GREAT Award in 2006 (Graduate Recognition for Excellence, Achievement, and Talent). He has also earned Congressional recognition for representing California as one of 5 national winners of the award and for the work he has done helping entrepreneurs transition to the Internet. Wiideman still plays a major role in helping students understand ecommerce and internet marketing best practices. Over the last decade, Wiideman has written dozens of articles, eBooks, and online publications. He has been featured as an SEO Expert in many popular magazines and has worked with an enormous portfolio of large, medium and small business clients.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Quick SEO Tips For Better Rankings in 2011

                                                 * Best Seo 5 Tips*
SEO or search engine optimization is possibly the most important aspect of any online business. Without SEO you will not receive organic search engine traffic. On-page SEO is very important. If you want your website to rank for a keyword you must first optimize your website for that particular keyword. After you have optimized your website you can start to build back links to it.
Here are 5 quick SEO tips for better rankings in 2010:
1. Put your keyword in your title, description, and URL
This is very important - you must put the keyword you are trying to rank for in your title, description of the page and somewhere in your URL. Why? Because you need to tell the search engines what your page is about! This will help the search engines rank your pages for your keywords.
2. Try to use 1-3% keyword density in your articles
Keyword density is important. Try to use your keyword in the first hundred words of your page. Then use your keyword 1 to 3 times per hundred words throughout your article or page. This will help secure your rankings for that keyword.
3. Use your keyword in H1 and H3 tags
Your header tags are important. You are displaying a new section of text and using your keyword in your header tag. This tells the search engines that your keyword is important and the next section of text is about your keyword. This is a quick SEO tip but it is very powerful.
4. Use your keyword in your anchor text
This goes for on-site SEO and off-site SEO. When linking to other pages from your site use your keyword in the anchor text of the link. This puts your keyword on the page again, and as a link. This may not seem like much but it will help tremendously.
5. Link to an authority site in your niche
Use this with tip number 4 and you will seriously help your on-site SEO. Why? Because linking to an authority site in your niche will help build credibility and trust. This is very important in search engine optimization.
Search engine optimization is very important. Building back links to your site will help you rank better - however, if your page is not optimized properly you will not rank as well. These 5 quick SEO tips will help you to rank better quickly.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best 105 Seo Tips

             Best Seo Tips For You
1. Write and submit articles. It is a classic, but it works. This will be indefinite traffic stuck in the search engines for you.
2. Write quality unique articles, not articles that are rehashed or provide no insight to readers, which is a huge problem these days. ..
3. Write and submit press releases, think prweb after you do one.
4. Write and ping blog entries. Always make sure to link back to your website with your blog posts. Try making multiple blogs and have them all link back to one main site.
5. Make sure your website is listed in DMOZ: .
6. Advertise your website in the appropriate categories at Craigslist. Try posting your ads in the most populated cities in the world.
7. If a niche related forum that you frequently visit allows signatures, then make sure to add your website url in there.
8. Make sure to view related products on You can try and take some customers from your competitors here by providing your own url if the product is similar. Review websites in your niche on Alexa to try to take some of their traffic by including a reference back to your site.
9. Review some related products on epinion.
10. If you purchase a product that you actually like, then feel free to give an individual respect when respect is due and leave a testimonial. You should be able to get some traffic from that website if your testimonial is left with a url.
11. Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website url as a signature.
12. Keep updating content on your websites/blogs… try at least once per week.
13. Tag blog posts at social bookmarking sites, especially at .
14. Add photos to your blog with appropriate keywords.
15. Tag blog photos at Flickr.
16. Politely ask your readers to subscribe to your rss feeds.
17. Try coining your own term. Might want to trademark it if you smell that it will become popular.
18. Encourage readers to comment on your blogs.
19. Include translation for your websites/blogs, especially in Chinese.
20. Do not be boring; write about something that a wide select of people would want to know about.
21. Make sure to edit your writing (unlike what I m doing).
22. Comment on other related blogs.
23. Make a custom 404-error page for your website. You can provide a link back to your main website or even try to monetize it by offering a related affiliate program within your niche.
24. Sponsor a charity, most charities will link back to your website, and you are also doing a good deed.
25. Sell an item on eBay as a charity auction. Most charities will link back to both your auction and your main website.
26. Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.
27. Brand your website with a logo and a slogan/catch phrase. Think IBM.
28. Hold a crazy contest that people in your niche will talk about. This will equal more links and traffic to your website.
29. Build a tool that individuals in your niche will love and enjoy. Then give it away for free. If the tool is helpful, then you will get quality one-way links to your website.
30. Contact small newsletters sources offline and submit articles to them.
31. Become friends with editors of an offline publication.
32. Give speeches offline. Start small and local. Also, do not forget to participate in toastmasters meetings in your area.
33. Have a GREAT product. All of the marketing/advertising in the world will do you NO good if your product is sub par.
34. Make something innovative. If you are selling information, what makes your content something you cannot get from the local bookstore, Barnes and noble or even eBay for that matter?
35. Is your product groundbreaking? Will you leave individuals with no choice but to talk about your product or service?
36. Are you selling something that wide groups of people want to know about but there is limited/scarce knowledge?
37. Write good content, if your writing is good then people will share it with their friends. In addition, webmasters will use it as content on their website with a reference back to your article, or at least they should.
38. Spark emotions. If you get people emotional about something then they will most likely talk about it.
39. Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
40. Build a list of subscribers. Your list is like a golden asset to you if utilized correctly.
41. Write tip articles, such as “Ten easy tips to blank-blank-blank.”
42. Buy traffic from the search engines by utilizing one of their PPC campaigns.
43. Open up a myspace account and find targeted friends so that you can promote your services to them. Do not spam people, myspace is cracking down on spammers and are starting to sue people.
44. Solicit a link from your local chamber of commerce.
45. Have an easy to remember domain name. If your domain name is too long or not memorable then people may forget your site.
46. Add a bookmark option to your website/blogs.
47. Purchase the misspelled versions of your domain name and have it redirect to your main one.
48. Use keywords in your image alt tags. For example, keywords go head
49. Make sure to include appropriate keywords in your title tag, search engines show more prominence or importance to keywords here.
50. Place appropriate keywords in your anchor text when linking.
51. If you have a profile anywhere online, always include appropriate keywords and link back to your website.
52. Try to get links from websites within your niche with a high pr (pagerank). Some The more one-way links (inbound links/backlinks) you have to your website, the higher your pr will become. Pagerank is important because websites with higher prs tend to have a higher search results in Google. It is a no brainier that if you can get number one for a competitive keyword then you will have enough traffic that you can handle… oh by the way its all free targeted traffic to remind you. ..
53. Outsource grunt work. Time is in essence money…. you can hire individuals at freelance services to send emails, request JV proposals, or to answer questions from prospective or current customers.
54. Offer something for FREE. Abracadabra is not the magic word, FREE is. It is like a worm on a pole for a fish in the water…. its bait! Offer a free mini course or free ebook to help collect more subscribers. You can always offer a backend to monetize on this opportunity, such as an affiliate product for example. .
55. After someone orders from you offer a one-time offer that compliments your product. For example, if I offered a traffic ebook, then after the individual purchase it would make sense for me to offer a traffic conversion bonus for a limited time only.
56. Become the virus within your niche. Make yourself the bug and have people talking about your product. When people talk about your product then you can induce the viral effect. However, you must give people a reason to talk about you, and being like everyone else is not one. ..
57. Do your research and find expensive niches to tap into. A good way to do this is to find how expensive someone is paying for a keyword on a PPC search engine. If you can sell items that are more expensive more often then it is a quicker way to get rich.
58. Become an active respected member of niche related forums. You can do this by offering quality posts. Hint, it is not the number of posts you make, it is the quality. Remember, quality or quantity. Many useless or negative posts will have people looking at you funny. .
59. Test, test, test. Your flushing money down the toilet if your not testing to see what campaigns are bringing you in the most money compared to which ones are costing you money. When you test, you can eliminate the campaigns that are costing you dollars so that you can properly maximize your marketing efforts. Without proper testing, you are pretty much lost and can’t improve. You can only guess to what has or what is working. With proper testing, you do not guess, you know.
60. Stay up to date on what is going on in the world, you can monetize off hot topic trends.
61. Network, when you know more people you can find people that can help you get what you need.
62. Offer an affiliate program for your product or service. Make sure to let your satisfied customers know that you have one, if they like your product then they will be even more delighted to know that they will get money for referring you.
63. Write and give away a free ebook or report. It does not have to be long as long as its quality information neatly formatted and put together. You can also make a brand able ebook or report and allow affiliates the opportunity to brand their affiliate links in there to pass on to the next individual. You can then send this ebook to your subscribers or submit it to ebook directories. ..
64. Add viral components to your blog such as social book marking options, and a refer a friend option.
65. Be funny, people like something that will make them laugh and they will spread it for you if it is a genius idea.
66. Syndicate your content by using an RSS feeds on your website.
67. Answer people’s questions on Yahoo! answers with a link to your website in the sources area.
68. Put a link in the “about me” section of your eBay profile.
69. Make and upload a viral video to you tube. Use appropriate keywords in the video description for your target audience.
70. Record an informative podcast and submit them to poplar podcast directories.
71. Provide helpful answers for Google adsense on their help forum with a link back to your website. Go here to check it out:
72. Get people to comment and add content to your site. When they do this, they will provide you unique content, no need to pay for ghostwritten articles.
73. If you cannot get JVs, then try to bribe webmasters for sponsored advertising space on their newsletters.
74. Include a media section on your website so that you will give the media an easy way to stay up to date on what your company is doing.
75. Try to teach a class at your local community college or university. The more exposure you get in the public, the more credibility you will receive.
76. Make a screensaver and make it easy for individuals in your niche to download it. Have eye candy graphics combined with your company logo to brand yourself.
77. Write something controversial and spread it freely to your target market. It can be something as idiotic as the Da Vinci code, but as long people talk about it, its a successful campaign. A few hints, something controversial is something that goes against established beliefs in your market.
78. Write and publish a book. Having your own book is a quick way to gain credibility.
79. Take a guru in your niche out to lunch, and pay for it.
80. Start an organization or club about something. This can be done online through Yahoo! or Google groups.
81. Volunteer. Donate your time to a good clause…you can always network with people and form connections at the same time.
82. Get involved in your community and try to run some type of outreach program.
83. Offer good customer service, you may be surprised on how many referrals you get just be having a reliable one.
84. Consider adding a direct mail marketing campaign to your marketing ****nal.
85. Put an ad in your local yellow pages to get some local customers. Yellow pages tend to be more successful then newspaper ads because individuals are looking for a particular service when they are browsing through the yellow pages as opposed to newspapers.
86. Post bulletins in your local supermarket. However, since not everyone may carry a pen or pencil, place your contact information and url on strips on the bottom so that individuals can rip it off and take it with them.
87. Host your own commercial so you can put “as seen on TV” on your products.
88. Conduct surveys and publish them. These make you appear as an expert in your field of study.
89. Break a record or shoot to be in the Guinness world records for something.
90. Make a sitemap for your website.
91. Use a favicon for your site.
92. Make your visitors more involved in your website. You can help accomplish this by adding CGI scripts to your site.
93. Make sure you have no broken links on your site, and make sure that your website shows clearly in all browsers.
94. Find domain names that get traffic, purchase them, and have them redirect to your website.
95. Spell correctly whenever using keywords in writing.
96. Look at sites related to your niche to try to figure out how they get their traffic.
97. Properly optimize your website for the right keywords.
98. Try to avoid java scripts on your website as much as possible.
99. Do not use frames on your website.
100. If your website becomes popular and starts getting lots of traffic, try switching to a dedicated server. The longer you site is down equals the more lost visitors you will have
101. Accessible HTML is accessible to both search engine spiders and screen readers. The more accessible you make your pages, the easier it will be for search engines to read and rank your pages.
102. Even if you can’t get your keywords into your domain name, you can put them into your URLs. Search engines read the URLs and assign value to the text they find there.
103. Putting your keyword phrase in your domain name is a great way to optimize for that phrase.
104. While search engines won’t deliberately discriminate against a site that is down, if they can’t get to your URL because it’s down, they can’t index it. And if your site is down several times when the spider tries to access it, it could be flagged as gone, and then the spider won’t come at all. Find out from your hosting provider what their uptime rates are and what they guarantee. Less than 97-98% uptime is bad.
105. The first thing you should do when working on search engine optimization is find a great keyword phrase for that page. You shouldn’t try to optimize your entire site to one keyword phrase – instead focus on writing pages for specific keywords and phrases.

Posted By:- R.N.A


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tops 10 Seo Tips

1. If your website has the Welcome screen,
make sure you have a text link that allows visitors access the site. It is common to see many sites with a welcome screen very striking and full of effects thrown into Flash but no other way to access the site. It is advisable to have a text link that gives access to the site "traditionally" because Google can not read Flash pages and therefore can not access the rest of the site.
2. Sure not to have broken links.
Sounds pretty obvious. But it's impressive the number of errors experienced by the Google engine daily due to broken links. So we would have to check all internal links on our site.

3. Check the labels TITLE
The title of the pages is very important to Google, so you should check that the TITLE tag is relevant to the content of the page in question. This does not mean you have to put a title of more than 20 words, but rather in keeping with the content and easy to read by search engines and surfers.

4. Check the META tags
Rumors that Google is not interested in the META tags are not entirely certain. Google uses these tags to describe a website when there is too much code to read. So enter some valid as META tags KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION for keywords and site description respectively.

5. Check ALT tags
ALT tags should be the least likely used by webmasters. We add these tags to describe images for them. They are not a factor, but a plus for Google.
6. Check your frames (frames)
A frame is a frame or separate box in which we can load a web page. If you use frames that Google can not index us 100%. I personally recommend not using frames, but if you decide to use them read this article.

7. Have you got dynamic pages?
It is known that the web evolved greatly in recent years, and that more and more pages based on dynamic scripting languages (PHP, ASP, etc.).. But it seems that Google is limiting the amount of dynamic pages it indexes, so we could include some static pages ... when the momentum is not necessary.

8. Regularly update
This is a very important aspect that you should consider, as quickly Google indexes more pages that are updated with some regularity. Podes note that the number of pages indexed by the search engine is increased if you update daily, but may stagnate or decrease if not provide new content. I recommend you put a META option in the header to tell Google how often you should return to reindex.
9. Robots.txt
This file can be very helpful if we use it correctly. With robots.txt you can filter search engines recorded our website and to restrict access to certain URL's that do not want to be indexed (login page, file folders, etc.).
Posted By:- R.N.A

Friday, February 4, 2011


  Unique and Powerful Backlinks from Web 2.0 Properties


Here is the original design of link wheels. It was one of the most creative uses of web 2.0 properties. Here is the concept: 6 independent web 2.0 sites, all with high Page Rank values, create a link to your site. And each of the "spokes" create a link to it's neighbor - forming the wheel. The reason for the link to the next web 2.0 property is to increase the link juice going to each spoke - which, in turn goes back to your site. The "hub" is any page on your website. On each of the 6 sites on the outer wheel we added content optimized around a single theme - a single keyword phrase.


This is the evolution of the link wheel. In the original link wheel everything was connected - literally creating a path from one site to another. That path - or footprint - became obvious to the search engines. Today link wheels are more complicated but also create less of a footprint.
In the example below, an article is created and spun. Then it is sent to 5 Tier 1 - web 2.0 properties. This properties have natural trust and authority in Google - thus the link juice.
These 5 Tier 1 sites all point back to your home page (or any other page you wish to promote) - creating powerful backlinks.
But to get even more power - we then post the spun article to another 5 web 2.0 properties (Tier 2) which create backlinks to the Tier 1 sites - in a more or less random fashion.
The wheel is not connected. In other words, there is no direct path through the wheel to every site - leaving a minimal footprint.
As compared to the original Link Wheel - it is much more involved, but much more powerful. The link juice come from a variety of sources and is funneled into your web site. Think of putting your thumb on a garden hose - the spray becomes more powerful.
Once the wheel is created, we then create social bookmarks back to each of the web 2.0 properties, we ping each of the web 2.0 properties and we submit all the RSS feeds to RSS aggregators.


The limitations of this type of schematic are endless. In our case, for the advanced version, we add another tier (Tier 3) of Web 2.0 properties - using another spun article. And these web 2.0 properties are used to promote the Tier 2 sites. Creating backlinks for the backlinks.
As in the basic version, we create social bookmarks to each of the web 2.0 properties, ping each of the web 2.0 properties and submit the RSS feeds to RSS aggregators.
We will create an article of approximately 400-500 words which will be spun and used as the primary content and posted to the 5 Tier 1 and 5 Tier 2 web 2.0 properties
Tier 1 will be high PR websites with PR values from 4-9
The web 2.0  properties in the "Wheel" will be linked as illustrated above.
The RSS feeds from each of the web 2.0 properties will be submitted to RSS aggregators
Approximately 5-10 Social Bookmarks will be created to each web 2.0 site (Tier 1,2 and 3)
All web 2.0 (Tier 1, 2 and 3) properties will be pinged
We report back to you with a list of URLs created and the RSS feeds
We will create two articles of approximately 400-500 words each which will be spun. One article will be used as the primary content and posted to the 5 Tier 1 and 5 Tier 2 web 2.0 properties. The 2nd article will be used as the content for Tier 3
Tier 1 will be high PR websites with PR values from 4-9
The web 2.0  properties in the "Wheel" will be linked as illustrated above.
The RSS feeds from each of the web 2.0 properties will be submitted to RSS aggregators
Approximately 5-10 Social Bookmarks will be created to each web 2.0 site (Tier 1,2 and 3)
All web 2.0 (Tier 1, 2 and 3) properties will be pinged
We report back to you with a list of URLs created and the RSS feeds

Link Wheel Service

 What Is The Link Wheel

Link wheel is together connected new blogs/pages of web 2.0 properties such as livejournal, bloglines, soulcast and etc., all these web 2.0 properties must have a backlink to Your money site, not only to each other. This mini sites have unique articles or only one article with all these backlinks. When web 2.0 properties link to each other and to Your money site, You get much more link juice, because every authority site send power to next one and next in this way making more powerful backlinks.
Get better search engine rankings, more visits and more sales now!!!

We offer:

SEO friendly link wheels made from 10 web 2.0 properties pointing back to Your money site.
One spun article for 10 web 2.0 properties.
Making RSS feed for Authority web 2.0 properties.
Submission all of Your feeds from link wheel to RSS directories. (Faster indexing)
Bonus: Social Bookmarking for all above.
Report contained URLs of Link wheel, RSS feeds.

$19 - 1 Link wheel service (Bonus: Social Bookmarking)

$29 - 2 Link wheels service (Bonus: Social Bookmarking)

$39 - 3 Link wheels service (Bonus: Social Bookmarking)

Six search engine optimization link wheels connected to money site and to each other:

 After payment, using Live Support or e-mail, You need to send us information requested below :
For one SEO link wheel
1) Number of link wheels You purchased
2) PayPal Transaction ID and PayPal email
3) Your email (we will send report there)
4) Anchor Texts: 1 General anchor text, 3 related to general anchor texts
5) Websites: 1 URL which You want promote using 1 general and 3 related anchor texts, but if you want get some backlinks from Authority web 2.0 properties to other URLs, then send us plus 3 URLs and anchor text for each one. (Bonus: You can send us +10 RSS feeds for submission to RSS directories)